Mantis Seminar 2011
During the July - August 2011 Seminar, Lu Yan introduced the Halifax Wushu Club to Yu Hai’s competitive mantis wushu style.
On this page you will find pictures and video from that seminar. Additionally, Lu Yan and Chris Rayner sent the following note when they returned to Beijing:
" Lu Yan and I would just like to express our sincerest thanks to
everyone at Halifax Wushu for training so hard to learn the Mantis set so well
in such a short amount of time. I think we all trained through every kind of
weather except snow this year, with a downpour one evening, a glorious sunset
the next, and then an electrical storm that went on for 4 hours with some hail
thrown in too! Now if training through that isn't dedication to Wushu then I
don't know what is!
As a coach, there is nothing more rewarding for Lu Yan then to
have students who put in 100% effort. It was clear that everyone put in at least
that amount for this seminar, and the results are obvious. It doesn't matter if
you are a complete beginner, or have trained for years, the enthusiasm for Wushu
is what makes a class great, and there was more enthusiam during the week we
spent with you then I would see at a year of general Wushu classes here in
Beijing! Even with your legs burning you were all still doing the low
A lot of that class atmosphere is down to the coach, Josh, whose
dedication keeps the classes running. Lu Yan would like to personally thank Josh
for giving her the opportunity to come across and teach such a fantastic group
of individuals. And she also says that in class you must do whatever Josh says -
that is right isn't it Josh ;-)
Finally, the class would not be complete without the students -
you are the people who turn up week after week and keep chipping away at those
moves. I know from my own 16 years experience of various Chinese Martial Arts
how hard that can be, so don't give up, keep going. Some moves are hard to get,
some are easier. Lu Yan always says to remember that everybody is different as
well, so don't be discouraged if someone else picks up a move faster than you -
the odds are that they are watching you thinking the same thing!
If you train the Mantis regularly, then the moves will become
more fluid, the rhythm will start to unfold, and things will fall into place.
During this process don't hesitate to ask Josh any questions, and you never
know, maybe in a few months time Lu Yan will ask for a video of you doing the
set to check your progress!!
As they say in China, "Jia Yo"! "
Lu Yan and Chris
On this page you will find pictures and video from that seminar. Additionally, Lu Yan and Chris Rayner sent the following note when they returned to Beijing:
" Lu Yan and I would just like to express our sincerest thanks to
everyone at Halifax Wushu for training so hard to learn the Mantis set so well
in such a short amount of time. I think we all trained through every kind of
weather except snow this year, with a downpour one evening, a glorious sunset
the next, and then an electrical storm that went on for 4 hours with some hail
thrown in too! Now if training through that isn't dedication to Wushu then I
don't know what is!
As a coach, there is nothing more rewarding for Lu Yan then to
have students who put in 100% effort. It was clear that everyone put in at least
that amount for this seminar, and the results are obvious. It doesn't matter if
you are a complete beginner, or have trained for years, the enthusiasm for Wushu
is what makes a class great, and there was more enthusiam during the week we
spent with you then I would see at a year of general Wushu classes here in
Beijing! Even with your legs burning you were all still doing the low
A lot of that class atmosphere is down to the coach, Josh, whose
dedication keeps the classes running. Lu Yan would like to personally thank Josh
for giving her the opportunity to come across and teach such a fantastic group
of individuals. And she also says that in class you must do whatever Josh says -
that is right isn't it Josh ;-)
Finally, the class would not be complete without the students -
you are the people who turn up week after week and keep chipping away at those
moves. I know from my own 16 years experience of various Chinese Martial Arts
how hard that can be, so don't give up, keep going. Some moves are hard to get,
some are easier. Lu Yan always says to remember that everybody is different as
well, so don't be discouraged if someone else picks up a move faster than you -
the odds are that they are watching you thinking the same thing!
If you train the Mantis regularly, then the moves will become
more fluid, the rhythm will start to unfold, and things will fall into place.
During this process don't hesitate to ask Josh any questions, and you never
know, maybe in a few months time Lu Yan will ask for a video of you doing the
set to check your progress!!
As they say in China, "Jia Yo"! "
Lu Yan and Chris
It was an honor to train with Lu Yan. And, it was quite apparent that she had trained hard and knew the subject matter well. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it will be one that I won't soon forget. I don't think my body will forget it either. Still recovering.
I still can't believe we learned the whole set!
Thank you Lu Yan for encouraging me to practice hard and to learn the tornado and butterfly kicks even though I hadn't expected to learn these in years. I hope to continue studying Wushu with you in the years to come and look forward to training with you again.
Oh yes....and....thanks Chris for helping me to unwind a bit and I look forward to another lesson in beer drinking...ha..ha!